About us

Shanti Hemp Family

Our 100% organic hemp and Bamboo fabric is woven by hand with a lot of love and will. It is the result of the work of several families who seek to work conscientiously and in harmony with mother earth, preserving her and honoring her with love.

SHANTI HEMP project comes from different origins working on the same path; all nurturing this great tree of life that manifests itself in HIGH QUALITY CLOTHING AND APPAREL, craftsmanship from the first step until it reaches your hands. Very grateful to all those who participate in walking the path of mother earth and dressing by SHANTI HEMP clothing.

We offer clothes made conscientiously uniting diverse cultures in a fair exchange. It is about joining paths and universes. Co-create bridges that unite the tribes of this wonderful planet through their art; of handmade art as ancestral forms of expression. That coexist in communion and respect with everything that surrounds us. Dress ourselves conscientiously, wrap ourselves in the love of mother earth.

Our designs are inspired by that diversity and union. Walking this wonderful planet we remember that a humanity and a universe unites us (a single verse).

Shanti Inspiration

2014, A full moon night, bare feet, over the Yucatan jungle- Mexico
Grandmother and ancestors present, the Everything also
A frequency was heard and the memory of the message was clear
Dressing ourselves again with mother earth
The images and the sensation were transparent like the spring water
The path traveled and the path to be traveled was also
That does not mean it has been a smooth and easy road,
but here we are; several families on the same path, sowing seeds for us, for those who have just arrived and for those who are yet to come,
A path that took us to visit wonderful places on this planet, a reflection in our eyes and soul that allowed us to remember, because we wear these fabrics on our body, which is also made of earth, water, air, fire, ether

The Inspiration comes from this path taken, from knowing that we do not walk it alone, that others have already walked a fragment of this path. And now it is up to those of us who listen, give thanks and honor what we have walked.

Since the beginning of humanity, we have been on a pilgrimage in search of survival, of that which makes us feel comfortable with our environment, protected, cared for, comforted. Our planet, our home, has always given us that. 
Part of this has been dressing ourselves, in the first instance as protection from the different climates and geographies, and then as an artistic manifestation. Manifestation not only of the artisan who makes the work, the piece of clothing, but also of the one who chooses it. Expressing a state of mind, an emotion, the way we dress is also a reflection of our inner being, a way of communicating and connecting. That’s when the magic appears
This family is deeply grateful to the traditions and the different manifestations of art that come together in this present, to be able to Co-Create this project woven by the magic that brings us to all of us who, with great will and love, are part of Shanti Hemp.
It is for all these reasons that the call to use Hemp as a textile was the path we chose, because its benefits and properties have only limits in our ability to imagine and investigate./

Hemp is a noble and holistic crop that has contributed to the prosperity and health of both ancient and modern civilizations.

Artisanal Products of the Universe

The artisans who cooperate in this SHANTI HEMP project come from different destinations working on the same path (From the Himalayas to the Andes, families from Mexico, USA, Argentina, Peru, Hungary, Japan and others are part of this beautiful fabric) all nurturing this great tree of life that manifests itself in high quality clothing and apparel, artisanal work from the first step until it reaches your hands. Love, will and dedication, very grateful to all those who participate in walking the path of Mother Earth and dressing in SHANTI HEMP clothing and apparel.

How the name SHANTI HEMP was born

HEMP, means Cañamo in English is the language that has been connecting us pilgrims and travelers all over the planet in these times of history.
SHANTI in Sanskrit , (in India, Sanskrit is considered a sacred spoken language) Shanti “means peace, to be at peace. It also refers, in its different meanings, to;  mental calm, rest, tranquility, well-being with what brings the sense of happiness, also relief from pain”Walking the Himalayas and their valleys where hemp grows, the first manifestation of this project of families/tribes is born. 
Shanti is within each one, and in the search for that path we find this wonderful textile, which has been worked for thousands of years in the East./ And fortunately the bridges with the West are manifesting again./ Dressing in hemp is dressing in Shanti , the hug of mother earth./